Brittany Morgan

Brittany Morgan


Massage Therapy

Brittany is a Registered Massage Therapist from Vancouver who graduated with honours from the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy in 2021. She has worked in a number of different multidisciplinary clinics around BC and New Zealand.

She was a competitive dancer in her youth, and has spent the last decade expanding her knowledge of kinesthetics as a yoga practitioner. In 2014 she began teaching Ashtanga Yoga with the aim of helping her students cultivate balance within their bodies and their minds. Her background in dance and Yoga has helped her cultivate a keen interest in the limits and possibilities of the human body.

Developing a relationship to one’s body, through manual therapy or otherwise, is something Brittany believes has immense therapeutic value. It is her aspiration to help others to experience this for themselves. To achieve this she strives to meet each person where they’re at, by being collaborative with treatment planning. She is happy to be continuing this work through massage therapy and supporting patients on their health and rehabilitation journeys.

Brittany is trained in, and has experience using, a variety of treatment modalities including myofascial release, trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, neuromuscular techniques, Swedish massage, and PNF stretching. Women’s health, chronic pain, and working with the nervous system are of special interest to her.

When she’s not in the clinic she is most likely playing outside. Her love for climbing rocks, surfing, flying on aerial silks, and skiing means that she has a good understanding of how to support others with similar passions.

Brooke Smith

Brooke Smith


Massage Therapy

Brooke started Harbour Health with a vision of a gathering place for a multitude of varied healthcare practitioners to come together and share their passion for health and wellness with the community and with each other under one roof. She is passionate and ever curious about the human body herself and loves working with and learning from the many amazing minds in the clinic!

Brooke graduated from the 3000 hour RMT program at West Coast College of Massage Therapy in Victoria in 2004 and has been practicing in Ucluelet ever since. She has built up knowledge and experience in a variety of areas including pre/post natal massage therapy, soft tissue and sports injuries as well as repetitive strain, postural dysfunction, chronic pain, neurological disorders and anxiety.

Brooke uses modalities such as swedish massage, myofascial release, trigger point release, muscle stripping, joint mobilizations along with therapeutic exercises and stretching routines to create a personal treatment plan for each individual. Brooke is committed to ensuring patients receive the best possible care through patient centered assessment, treatment, referrals and recommendations

When not working, Brooke can be found running the beautiful trails of Ucluelet, starting multiple diy home projects or hanging about with her 2 teens and dog!

Colin Charron

Colin Charron

Registered Massage Therapist

Massage Therapy

Colin is a graduate of the 3000 hour program at the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in New Westminster, and has been a Registered Massage Therapist since 2002.

Colin has experience treating a variety of conditions including: headaches, musculoskeletal injuries, chronic pain, chronic tension, tendinitis, and multiple sclerosis to name a few.

Colin strives to create a calm nurturing space. After an assessment he will tailor a treatment that may include: Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Release and Systemic Deep Tissue Therapy (SDTT) followed by homecare specific to the individual.

Dr. Claire Wilson

Dr. Claire Wilson


Acupuncture, Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Claire Wilson is a board certified Naturopathic Physician providing primary care to families and individuals of all ages. Although maintaining a general, family focussed practice, Dr. Wilson has a specific interest in women’s and hormone health, post-concussion care, autoimmune conditions, and sports injury or chronic pain rehabilitation. A graduate of the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in British Columbia, Dr. Wilson is certified in IV therapy, prescriptive authority, and regenerative injection techniques including prolotherapy and platelet rich plasma injection therapy. Dr. Wilson is dedicated to practicing from a patient-centered philosophy. This involves individualized care, evidence-based therapeutics, and consistent patient education. What initially drew her to Naturopathic medicine was its ability to marry science with a broad scope of treatment options, and apply this to each unique patient through a holistic lens. She believes strongly in an interdisciplinary approach wherein the patient is always informed, aware, and is highly involved in their journey towards a sustainable state of health. Aside from Naturopathic medicine, Dr. Wilson is also a 500hr Yoga Alliance certified yoga instructor, an avid surfer, hiker, and overall outdoor enthusiast.

Francesca Mason

Francesca Mason



Francesca is a UK trained osteopathic practitioner, graduating from the British School of Osteopathy in 2015. Since then she has had the pleasure of working in a variety of settings across the world including performing arts clinics in London, general clinics in Sydney and snow sports clinics in France & Japan. Thanks to this Francesca is comfortable working with a wide range of ailments such as back pain, sporting injuries, chronic postural issues and jaw pain to name a few.

Francesca describes herself as a structural practitioner with a gentle yet direct approach, incorporating visceral and functional techniques as well as lifestyle advice to provide each patient with a personalised treatment. She has a strong focus on education with the aim to empower her patients enabling them to take control of their well being.

Jane O'Connor

Jane O'Connor


Massage Therapy

Jane is a new RMT to the area, with a passion for all things “body”: massage (obviously), yoga, dance, etc. She believes that there is much wisdom and healing held within our tissues.

Jane’s style really focuses on bringing that healing force front and center, through relaxing the nervous system and reducing the stress load on the body so that it can more easily repair.

Whether you are dealing with an acute injury, or chronic and persistent pain, Jane is happy to help.

Lisa Paul

Lisa Paul



Lisa is a CTCMA Registered Acupuncturist who strongly believes in the principles rooted in Traditional Chinese medicine which is to treat the mind/body as a whole in an effort to achieve harmony and balance. Lisa acknowledges that healing is a journey that starts from within and is as individual as each of us. Lisa understands the importance of that journey and respects the time and space it takes to heal oneself.

Lisa has special interest in women’s health, chronic pain management, digestive health and autoimmune disease. She continues her studies in cosmetic acupuncture which she believes is a safe and effective alternative anti aging and cosmetic approach. Other healing modalities Lisa uses are cupping, gua sha, tuina and moxa.

Having dealt with her own gastrointestinal issues since birth. Lisa finally sought out Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture as an alternative treatment of which she found great result and a new found respect for the medicine. Learning of the potential of integrated medicine Lisa set out on a healing journey of discovery and learning.

Apart from studying Acupuncture, Lisa is a 200hr Yoga Alliance certified instructor, 300hr certified Yoga therapist, Trauma informed yoga instructor and Level II Reiki practitioner.

Natasha Prokop

Natasha Prokop

BHK MPhtySt, Registered Physical Therapist


To book with Natasha please visit

Tash grew up in Calgary and graduated with a Master’s of Physiotherapy Studies from the University of Queensland, Australia in 2016. After graduating she moved to New Zealand where she gained valuable skills in many areas of Physiotherapy, working in both private practice and acute care hospitals. In 2019 she returned to BC and lived in Vancouver where she continued to build upon her skills. In need of a change of pace Tash decided to move to Vancouver Island in 2020 and base herself on the idyllic West Coast. Tash values a strong, healthy body and lifestyle to maintain her outdoor activities. She loves spending time in the mountains or beaches; surfing, skiing, trail running/ hiking and doing yoga. Her treatment repertoire includes: Manual therapy, exercise therapy, concussion management, neuro and cardiac rehabilitation and education. Tash is passionate about hearing your story and helping you maintain or return to the activities and lifestyle that you enjoy.

Tessa Ma

Tessa Ma



Tessa first experienced the effects of acupuncture when she sustained a sports injury to her back. She was blown away by the soothing effects of the needles and cups, and would fall asleep on the table during most sessions. Soon after, she was back on the wrestling mats competing and from then the medicine took root in her mind. Studying acupuncture called to her not only for its multifaceted perspectives on health but also as an avenue to explore her heritage.

Now, having graduated from Pacific Rim College in Victoria, she is eager to share this mode of medicine with her patients. She looks forward to working collaboratively with them and is honored for the opportunity to hold space for healing and growth.

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