Tessa first experienced the effects of acupuncture when she sustained a sports injury to her back. She was blown away by the soothing effects of the needles and cups, and would fall asleep on the table during most sessions. Soon after, she was back on the wrestling mats competing and from then the medicine took root in her mind. Studying acupuncture called to her not only for its multifaceted perspectives on health but also as an avenue to explore her heritage.
Now, having graduated from Pacific Rim College in Victoria, she is eager to share this mode of medicine with her patients. She looks forward to working collaboratively with them and is honored for the opportunity to hold space for healing and growth.
RMTS: Sunday-Saturday
Physio: Tuesday and Thursdays
Manual Osteopath: Mondays, Wednesday and Sundays
Acupuncture: Saturday, with Sunday and Wednesdays starting March 2024
Naturopath: once per month